Welcome to MyTake2 Community

Your journey to BETTER starts right here!

What we're all about

This time is the last time you will ever have to start over! The MyTake2 Community is a group of people who are all striving for MORE in their life - they are trying to figure out what BETTER looks and feels like for themselves.  

Is it weight loss? Aging gracefully? Confidence? Creativity? 

Is it being the best parent? Friend? Employee?

Or maybe it's about becoming a better leader or boss? 

Expect to be surprised as you take this journey with us! What your current mindset around food, fitness, relationships, careers and personal growth will definitely change. You will evolve. You will look for new ways to show up in your own life not just for others, but for yourself. 

You deserve to be here with us. You deserve to find your version of BETTER!